Creative Collaboration

I am a restless person - truly not content unless I’m doing something. I am a pilot, a guitarist, a photographer, and a fabricator. I’ve recorded music, flown all over North America, photographed incredible people in Los Angeles and even built a full scale replica of R2-D2 from Star Wars. While these seem like unrelated activities, they do have “creative collaboration” in common. Whether playing music, shooting photos or flying an airplane, the thing that really excites me is the opportunity to work with creative people to come up with solutions for complex problems. In the case of photography, we are working together to create a visual representation of an idea. It could be a headshot that shows off your “wacky neighbor” character for an audition. It could be a way to show your love for dance. Maybe that perfect portrait for the inside cover of the novel you just finished. Maybe you’re a realtor looking for a way to reach out to your community. Whatever it is, I can’t wait to collaborate with you!